Our YAB Class is a beginner’s class for 18+
Are you an absolute beginner or a false starter who has already been exposed to the language in a passive way or can understand some vocabulary but cannot seem to construct your own sentences? If you are, then let’s get started here!
This class is tailored for those who are complete novices to the language or may know a few Yoruba words or phrases or have basic understanding of Yoruba but struggle with speaking it fluently. Want a good foundation? Start here!
**If you are not sure what classes would be a good fit for you, please contact us.
This class is great for me if:
- I am 18+ year old
- I cannot understand or speak Yoruba yet.
- I know some basic vocabularies or phrases, but I cannot make sentences in Yoruba.
- I understand a bit of Yoruba, but find it difficult to respond or initiate conversation in Yoruba.
By the end of this class, you will be able to :
- Session 1: Ask and answer simple direct questions and provide limited but specific and complete information about yourself, very common and familiar topics.
- Session 2: Speak in full sentences and phrases on simple expanded topics from session 1. You will improve on your listening and reading comprehension.